Do You Want to Get Rid of Bloating? Follow These!

Do You Want to Get Rid of Bloating? Follow These!

Gut health problems are one of the top reasons for visiting primary care providers. Almost one-third of those visiting primary care centers would have some gastrointestinal problem. It may be nausea, heartburn, dyspepsia, or bloating. Quite often, all these symptoms co-occur, though one or another may predominate.

However, doctors often fail to help with bloating and other gastrointestinal problems. This is because most gastrointestinal issues are so-called functional disorders. It means that modern medicine is unclear about what causes these issues. In functional disorders, a person may often experience bloating, changes in stool consistency, appetite, and other issues. However, medical tests may fail to show any significant issues.1

Therefore, one of the better ways of managing bloating and functional gastrointestinal issues is through dietary changes, lifestyle interventions, and health supplements.

What is Stomach Bloating?

Bloating is a pretty common symptom. It is a condition when your tummy feels fuller than usual, and there is pain and discomfort. Quite often, the pain is dull. Your stomach may make noises, and you may fart too often. It mainly occurs due to issues with digestive processes and the overproduction of gases.2

How to Get Rid of Bloating?

If you frequently experience bloating, it is better to consider natural remedies. It is a condition that tends to be chronic. The only way to get rid of bloating is by improving gut health and enhancing digestive processes. There are many ways in which this can be done.

Do Exercise Regularly

If you frequently experience bloating, start exercising. Exercise is not just for weight loss or cardiovascular health. Exercise improves gut motility and may also positively influence digestive health in the long run. For example, people who sit for long hours in front of the screen are more likely to experience bloating.

It is pretty likely that an increase in a sedentary lifestyle has led to a significant rise in certain health issues, including bloating. Further, exercise also helps get rid of extra gasses formed during digestive processes.

Try Probiotics

Dysbiosis, or changes in the gut microbiota, has emerged as a significant problem lately. These changes have occurred for many reasons, including dietary changes, environmental toxins, antibiotic use, etc. Changes in the microbiota contribute to the greater risk of metabolic disorders and many other health issues.

Further, it is worth understanding that gut microbiota also plays a vital role in digestive processes. They help digest certain food items that are difficult to digest with the help of enzymes. Gut microbiota may help digest certain types of carbs known to cause bloating. They also help digest FODMAPs, a kind of carb known to cause bloating in many.

Thus, increasing dietary intake of probiotics is one of the ways of getting rid of bloating. However, there are very few foods that are rich in probiotics. Thus, it is good to restore gut microbiota by taking supplements containing probiotics. For example, Zenkgo multivitamins have multiple vitamins and probiotic strains that promote healthy digestion.

Eat More Fiber

Studies suggest that the modern diet is particularly deficient in dietary fiber. These are indigestible parts of food, but they play a vital role in maintaining gut motility and even serve as prebiotics. Higher dietary fiber intake may help prevent issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), help improve metabolic health, and reduce cancer risk. Thus, it is vital to consume foods rich in dietary fiber, as its benefits extend beyond bloating prevention.3

Remember that good gut health demands both probiotics and prebiotics. Additionally, dietary fibers are also good for weight loss.

Limit Bloating Foods and Drinks

To reduce bloating, it is vital to avoid sugary drinks. Such beverages not only cause obesity or diabetes but also disrupt gastric function. Further, one may need to learn more about the FODMAPs. Some people do not tolerate certain types of foods like beans, cruciferous vegetables, and so on.4

Manage Your Stress

Finally, if you want to boost your gut health, learn to manage stress. Stress can increase sympathetic activity, alter gut motility, influence gut microbiota, and cause changes in gut enzymes and digestive processes. As a result, those prone to stress often experience stomach pain, bloating, and other issues. Remember that gut plays a vital role in stress, and mental stress can spoil your gut health. Thus, practice mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and other activities for stress management.


In conclusion, bloating is a common symptom often associated with gastrointestinal issues, and traditional medicine may struggle to provide solutions due to the unclear nature of these disorders. However, there are effective approaches to alleviate bloating and improve gut health. Regular exercise, probiotics, increased fiber intake, avoiding bloating-inducing foods and drinks, and managing stress can all reduce bloating and promote a healthy gut. By implementing these strategies, individuals can improve their gastrointestinal well-being.


  1. Fikree A, Byrne P. Management of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Clin Med (Lond). 2021;21(1):44-52. doi:10.7861/clinmed.2020-0980
  2. Bloating. Published March 3, 2022. Accessed June 3, 2023.
  3. Services D of H& H. Fibre in food. Accessed June 3, 2023.
  4. Low FODMAP Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome | IBS Treatment. Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio. Accessed June 3, 2023.
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